Donald Trump is the President of the United States – what happens next?

Christian Kvorning Lassen se ve svém blogu dívá do budoucnosti Spojených států amerických s Donaldem Trumpem v prezidentském křesle.

  • Donald Trump is the next President of the United States in a historic upset
  • A Trump presidency is cause for massive uncertainty; how will he unite a divided nation, approach climate change and transatlantic relations?

The despair expressed at Trump’s victory is understandable; the sheer uncertainty of what will happen is frightening. There is a concrete sense of disgruntlement at the current system.

One of Trump’s most pertinent immediate tasks is to clarify the US’ foreign policy under his administration.

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#Donald Trump #prezident #USA

Christian Kvorning Lassen
Zástupce ředitele & vedoucí výzkumu

Expertiza: Migrace/evropská migrační krize, zahraniční politika EU, mezinárodní právo týkající se humanitárních intervencí, skandinávská politika, populismus

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