V rámci konference Forum 2000 proběhne panelová diskuze věnovaná problematice Ukrajiny a Krymu.
Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM spolu s pražskou kanceláří nadace Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung pořádají panelovou diskusi věnovanou Ukrajině a Krymu. Diskuze proběhne v rámci konference Forum 2000.
Crimea - A Forgotten Peninsula?
One and half year ago Crimea was in the center of the Ukrainian crisis that have developed into conflict between Russia and the West. Among other crises, Europe, and also Ukraine are forgetting about Crimea, at least in the eyes of the shrinking number of journalists and civil rights activists who are striving to remain active in the public space in the peninsula. This panel will address the current political and social developments in Crimea, especially how implementation of Russian legal environment is reflected in the life of journalists, civil rights activists and ordinary people.#panelová diskuze #Ukrajina #Krym