Slovakia will discuss the future of the EU

How will the European Union look like in the future and what is the role of Slovakia in this future?

"It is a transformation of the character of Slovakia from the country that only takes out of the union to the state that should have the opposite ambition." - Vladimír Bartovic, Institute for European Policy  EUROPEUM

The National Convention on the EU In Bratislava, with the subtitle #MYSMEEU (We Are EU) welcomed the highest representatives of Slovakia, who expressed, in their speeches, visions about the future of the EU and the position of Slovakia within the EU.

More on this story and more comments by our director Vladimír Bartovic can be found on (in Slovak language).

#Convention #Slovakia

Expertise: EU institutional issues, Economic and Monetary Union, € and European budget, Brexit, EU foreign policy, EU enlargement with the focus on Western Balkans, Slovak foreign and domestic policy and economic issues

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