| Report on the EU internal market has a huge importance for Czechia

During the recent summit, politicians came to discuss key issues regarding the situation in Ukraine, the Middle East, relations with Turkey, and the competitiveness of the European Union against the United States and China. Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, Martin Vokálek, provided commentary for According to him, it is crucial for Czech politicians and diplomats to be actively engaged in these discussions.

Former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta presented a report on the European internal market, commissioned to him by the Belgian presidency of the Union. His task was to discuss and present an assessment of the internal European market and the resulting recommendations within a broader expert team. The internal European market is extremely important for the Czech Republic, as we heavily rely on it with our export-oriented economy.

You can watch the full commentary here from 01:35.

#summit EUCO #EU single market #competitiveness EU

Martin Vokálek
Executive Director

Expertise: Economic issues, European security and NATO, war crimes and international law problematic

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Prague 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552