RTVS | EU and Ukraine have concluded a comprehensive security agreement in Brussels

The European Union and Ukraine concluded a comprehensive security agreement in Brussels. This builds upon the EU's longstanding support for Ukraine. What did the politicians agree upon? What is new in the new treaty? Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office at the EUROPEUM Institute, commented for the Slovak RTVS.

The agreement is divided into two parts. The first deals more with technical issues related to security and defense. It also ensures consensus on arms deliveries and military training. The second part is broader in scope and reaffirms support for Ukraine on its path to EU membership, within the accession process, reforms, and modernization of Ukraine. It also reaffirms that the European Union will continue to care for Ukrainian refugees. It is therefore a unifying and formalizing document that covers many areas where the EU and Ukraine have long cooperated.

You can listen to the entire commentary here from around the 16th minute.

#Ukraine #security agreement #refugees

Žiga Faktor
Deputy Director & Head of Brussels Office

Expertise: European integration of Western Balkans, EU enlargement, Slovenian Politics and EU-Turkey relations

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