POLICY REPORT: The Perspectives of the Czech Automotive Industry’s Decarbonization - an updated review

Michal Hrubý, a research fellow from the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, has written a report on the development of the Czech automotive industry with regards to electromobility. In his research, he discusses its current state and possible decarbonisation in relation to transport emissions. The focus is mainly on the market for chargeable electric vehicles and two areas of interest - 1) decarbonisation of the transport sector and 2) maintaining the competitiveness of the Czech automotive industry.

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How electromobility can drive Visegrad cooperation

Bartosz Bieliszczuk published a policy paper as a part of Think Visegrad platform, in which he focused on electromobility in V4 countries.

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How electromobility can drive Visegrad cooperation

Bartosz Bieliszczuk publikoval policy paper v rámci platformy Think Visegrad, ve kterém se zaměřil na elektromobilitu v zemích V4.

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ČT24: EU - Mandatory liability insurance for electric bicycles?

Vladimir Bartovic commented the European Commission's proposal on a mandatory liability insurance for electric bikes and similar small electric vehicles.

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