Rádio Slovensko: EU leaders agreed on recovery fund

n Tuesday's (July 21st) broadcast of Rádio Slovensko, the director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Vladimír Bartovic, commented on the topic of the recovery fund, the form and division of finances which were agreed upon by the leaders of the European Union member states after the Special European Council.

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ČRo Plus: Afternoon Plus: Analysis of the Special European Council

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Vladimír Bartovic, was the guest of the afternoon broadcast of the Czech Radio Plus station on Monday, July 20. In his commentary, he provided an analysis of the special European Council.

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Index of Czech Interests in the EU: The discussed European aid will be beneficial for the Czech economy

Within the project called Czech Interests in the EU, experts and researchers examine whether and how the interests of the Czech Republic are being carried through in European institutions. The result of the survey is the regularly published Index of Czech Interests. The topic of the first one is the response to the economic recession following the Special European Council.

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Pravda.sk: Brussels meets Matovič

The Special European Council was the first major foreign policy test for Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovič. Vladimír Bartovic, director of our Institute, commented on the topic of challenges and expectations in this regard for the Slovak news portal Pravda.sk.

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Talking Europe(um) – podcast about Europe and the EU

Talking Europe(um) is a podcast which comments on current issues in the European Union. List of episodes, as well as information about where you can listen to the podcast, is in the article.

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POLICY PAPER: Serbia's state of play regarding Chapters 23 and 24: One step forward, two steps back

Our research fellow Jana Juzová wrote a policy paper about the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans and about the situation in Serbia in regards to Chapters 23 and 24 of accession talks.

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POLICY PAPER: Serbia's state of play regarding Chapters 23 and 24: One step forward, two steps back

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová napsala policy paper o rozšiřování Evropské unie na západním Balkáně a o situaci v Srbsku v souvislosti s kapitolami 23 a 24 přístupových rozhovorů.

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INVITATION: Reviving the EU Enlargement agenda: 2020 as a new opportunity for the Western Balkans

We would like to cordially invite you to an event organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and the Embassy of North Macedonia in Prague. The event will start with a keynote speach by H.E. Nikola Dimitrov: "EU's unfulfilled promise in the Western Balkans - time for strategic resolve during the Croatia's EU presidency", followed by a panel discussion: "Reviving the EU Enlargement agenda: 2020 as a new opportunity for the Western Balkans".

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The Economic Standard: V4 countries diverge on European defense initiatives, but still have a lot to offer

Our Gergely Varga wrote an article for the Economic Standard about the V4 Countries and their diverge on European defense initiatives

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The Economic Standard: Země V4 se liší v evropských obranných iniciativách, ale stále mají co nabídnout

Náš Gergely Varga napsal článek pro The Economic Standard o Zemích V4 a jejich lišících v evropských obranných iniciativách.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org