Ekonews: It won't work without a dig in your own "garden". The EU needs raw materials to transform the energy sector

The energy transition and decarbonisation of transport require minerals and metals, the extraction of which is mainly controlled by China. Clean energy technologies are much more material intensive, but Europe has limited access to these raw materials. Our researcher , Michal Hrubý, provided Ekonews with a commentary on the topic of clean energy and minerals.

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Decarbonization of the Czech automotive industry

After the successful delivery of last year’s project focused on the decarbonization of the Czech automotive industry, the climate team of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy leads its second round. This time, the project aims to use already acquired knowledge, contacts and resources to help create a conducive environment for discussion between the representatives of the industry and the public sector. It will also contribute to our understanding of the decarbonization pathways through evidence-based research. Lastly, the project aims to raise social awareness about the challenges and opportunities presented by the transition of the automotive industry by organizing events and media briefings. This year’s project will be shaped by the Czech Presidency of the European Council in the second half of the year.

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Dekarbonizace českého automobilového průmyslu

Po úspěšné realizaci loňského projektu zaměřeného na dekarbonizaci českého automobilového průmyslu spustil klimatický tým Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM jeho druhý ročník. Tentokrát je cílem projektu využít již získané znalosti, kontakty a zdroje k vytvoření příznivého prostředí pro diskusi mezi zástupci průmyslu a veřejného sektoru a rozšířit porozumění dekarbonizaci prostřednictvím empirického výzkumu. V neposlední řadě si projekt klade za cíl zvýšit společenské povědomí o výzvách a příležitostech plynoucích z transformace automobilového průmyslu prostřednictvím akcí a mediálních briefingů. Letošní projekt se bude navíc soustředit i na české předsednictví v Radě EU v druhé polovině roku.

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Policy Brief: The future of natural gas in the EU

A Policy Brief on the future of natural gas in the European Union was produced during a study visit to the Brussels office of Think Visegrad. The author of the brief, Agata Łoskot-Strachota, focuses on the current market crisis, which has raised questions about the role of gas in the decarbonisation process, as well as the cost and security of supply, and highlights the need for a common gas strategy that is in line with the objectives of the Green Deal, but also responds to short-term challenges.

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Deník N: The Green Deal is more important than ever, says the Decarbonising Automotive Transport conference

Our researcher Michal Hrubý attended the conference on Decarbonisation of Automotive Transport where he took part in the debate. We are on the threshold of a decision about the future of Czech car transport. Demand for electromobility is growing exponentially globally, as is the development of battery technology. In the future, these could become value-added products that will kick-start our economy and return the Czech Republic to a leading position in the investment environment. According to representatives of the European Parliament, the state administration, the automotive industry and independent experts on electromobility, it is now important for the Czech Republic to leave the scepticism of change behind and start educating and preparing for the decarbonisation of automotive transport. Not only for the environmental impact, but especially for the future competitiveness of the sector. This was stated in a debate at the Decarbonisation of Automotive Transport conference organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy on Tuesday 1 March.

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POLICY REPORT: The Perspectives of the Czech Automotive Industry’s Decarbonization - an updated review

Michal Hrubý, a research fellow from the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, has written a report on the development of the Czech automotive industry with regards to electromobility. In his research, he discusses its current state and possible decarbonisation in relation to transport emissions. The focus is mainly on the market for chargeable electric vehicles and two areas of interest - 1) decarbonisation of the transport sector and 2) maintaining the competitiveness of the Czech automotive industry.

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INVITATION: Decarbonisation of Czech automotive transport

On Tuesday, 1 March, an online conference entitled Decarbonisation of Czech Car Transport will be held by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy from 14:00 to 15:30. The event will be broadcast live online and you can watch the live stream on EUROPEUM's Facebook page. You will be able to contribute to the discussion directly during the debate by commenting below the video. The debate will be held in Czech.

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EU MONITOR: Geothermal energy and the Visegrad group

Tatiana Mindeková wrote EU MONITOR about the importance of, often neglected, geothermal energy in the decarbonization process. She explains how geothermal energy works, what its advantages are, and, conversely, what challenges it brings. She also addresses the usage of geothermal energy in the Visegrad countries.

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Press Release: CCS4CEE Project - Building momentum for the long-term CCS deployment in the CEE region

The CCS4CEE project analyses the current state of development of CCS (carbon capture and storage) technology in Central and Eastern Europe and aims primarily at renewing the debate on CCS technology and enabling its future deployment in the region.

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Czech Interests in EU: Searching for a consensus? Green deal vs. yellow card

How do Czech politicians approach the Fit for 55 package? And what should the incoming government focus on? Michal Hrubý, an analyst at EUROPEUM, explains the search for a consensus in his commentary

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