Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: Benefits and drawbacks of the membership for Litomyšl

Come join the next event in the Café Evropa regional debate series; this time, we’ll be in Litomyšl. What do you think of 20 years of Czechia in the EU? Are you concerned about what the Migration Pact or the Green Deal might bring? Have European subsidies helped in the development of the town? What has the European Union given and taken from you? We want to hear from you!

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Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: Benefits and drawbacks of the membership for Klášterec nad Ohří

Come join the next event in the Café Evropa regional debate series! This time, we will be in Klášterec nad Ohří. What do you think of the Czech Republic's 20 years in the EU? Are you concerned about what the Migration Pact or the Green Deal might bring? Have European subsidies helped in the development of the town? What has the European Union given and taken from you? We want to hear from you!

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Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: Benefits and drawbacks of the membership for Mělník

Come and join us for the latest in the Café Evropa series of regional debates! This time we will be in the city of Mělník. What do you think of the Czech Republic's 20 years in the EU? Are you worried about what the migration pact, the Green Deal will bring? Have EU subsidies helped the development of the city? What has the EU given and taken away from you? We want to hear from you!

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ČRo Plus | Czech Republic will send only one candidate to the European Commission

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has asked Member States to submit two names instead of one in their nominations for European Commissioners. Her aim is to have a balanced proportion of men and women in the new Commission. But as the request for two candidates is not supported by the treaties, if the Czech Republic offers only Jozef Sikel, there will be no direct consequences, though it may affect the distribution of the portfolios that lays in von der Leyen's hands. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for ČRo Plus.

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CNN Prima News | Who will be the next Czech EU Commissioner?

Is Jozef Síkela still the favorite for the post of the Czech EU Commissioner? Which portfolio would be most desirable for the Czech Republic? How likely is it that a defense commissioner position will be created? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for CNN Prima News.

Show more | At the EPC Summit in the UK, the Czech Republic will sign a bilateral agreement with Ukraine

The United Kingdom is preparing for a major summit of the European Political Community (EPC). After the Czech Republic, Moldova, and Spain, Britain is only the fourth hosting country. Among other topics, the states will discuss Ukraine and illegal migration. On a bilateral level, the Czech Republic will sign a security agreement with Ukraine. Jana Juzová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the summit for

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Czech Radio | New MEPs bring new debates. What challenges await the new European Parliament?

According to the Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute Martin Vokálek European topics will be more frequently discussed in the public sphere. The reason for this are the newly elected MEPs, who met for the first time this week at a plenary session in Strasbourg. Their ranks include not only "traditional" politicians but also prominent figures with unconventional approaches. What challenges and changes can we expect from the new European Parliament? Listen to the Czech Radio podcast Bruselské chlebíčky.

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Policy Brief | Prospects for changes in the composition of the European institutions after the 2024 elections

This policy brief analyses the prospective changes in the European Parliament (EP) composition following the 2024 elections. It reflects on the evolving political environment since 2019, highlighting shifts in party dynamics within the EP, such as the fragmentation of traditional party dominance and the emergence of new political alignments. Additionally, it explores potential reconfigurations in top EU positions post-elections and examines ongoing concerns regarding geographical representation within EU institutions, particularly the European Commission. Writes Tomasz Zając from the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM).

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Policy Brief | Preparing for EU35+: The View from Central Europe

Despite the historical support of EU enlargement policy by the Visegrad Four (V4), these Central European states are now faced with the challenge of reconciling their stances with the new realities of the process. As Ukraine and Moldova opened their accession negotiations, the EU seems to be torn on the questions associated with the future enlargement(s) - institutional reforms and changes within the EU budget. Transitioning from economic beneficiaries to potential contributors, the V4 states must evaluate the potential political and economic impacts of new members on both the EU and their domestic levels. Writes and proposes recommendations Vladislava Gubalova from GLOBSEC.

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Policy Brief | Were Czech industrial policy interests reflected in EU 2024-2029 strategic agenda discussions?

In light of the recent return of industrial policy to the global and EU stage, this policy brief outlines how Czech interests in this policy were reflected in the debates leading up to the adoption of 2024-2029 EU strategic agenda. First, it strives to define Czech industrial policy interests, outlining two alternative approaches to how they can be perceived. The liberal approach follows the long established consensus, according to which Czechia – as a very open, export oriented economy – should promote above all a seamless Single Market and free trade. Writes EUROPEUM Institute researcher Klára Votavová in her Policy Brief.

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