During the recent summit, politicians came to discuss key issues regarding the situation in Ukraine, the Middle East, relations with Turkey, and the competitiveness of the European Union against the United States and China. Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, Martin Vokálek, provided commentary for TN.cz. According to him, it is crucial for Czech politicians and diplomats to be actively engaged in these discussions.
Show moreAt the extraordinary summit of European Council in Brussels, the original economic debates quickly turned to serious geopolitical issues, such as the extension of sanctions against Iran and the strengthening of Ukrainian air defenses. However, as pointed out by Vít Havelka for Slovakian TA3, an analyst at the EUROPEUM Institute, there is no fundamental shift in the EU's approach to countries such as Russia, Israel or Iran.
Show moreThe extraordinary summit in Brussels is focusing on competitiveness and the EU's strategic agenda, including the strengthening of the single market, Turkey-EU relations, Ukraine and Israel. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office and deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this for Slovak RTVS.
Show moreAnother summit of the EU leaders' in Brussels has ended. What topics were discussed? Deputy director and head of the Brussels office of the EUROPEUM Institute Žiga Faktor described the conclusions for TN Live.
Show moreWhat topics will resonate at the EU Summit in Brussels? Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office of the EUROPEUM Institute, spoke to Slovakian television TA3 about the expected course of the EU leaders' summit.
Show moreSeveral countries from Eastern Europe have opened the way to the Union. During the last summit of the year, EU leaders agreed to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and conditionally with Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Georgia was granted candidate status. What concrete steps are now in store for these countries? Our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented on this topic.
Show moreNěkolika zemím z východní Evropy se otevřela cesta do Unie. Unijní špičky se během posledního summitu roku dohodly na otevření přístupových jednání s Ukrajinou a Moldavskem a podmíněně i s Bosnou a Hercegovinou, Gruzii udělily status kandidátské země. Co konkrétního čeká tyto země nyní? K tomuto tématu se vyjádřila i naše Jana Juzová, seniorní výzkumná pracovnice.
Show moreExperts from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy comment on the EU leaders' videosummit, which took place on 25-26 March 2021 in.
Show more PDFExperts from the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM comment on the EU summit of leaders on the multiannual budget, which took place on 10-11 December 2020 in Brussels.
Show more PDFOdborníci z Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM komentují summit lídrů EU o víceletém rozpočtu, který se konal 10. – 11. prosince 2020 v Bruselu.
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