Czech cities can draw inspiration from southern Europe in combating heat, such as Barcelona, which has effective plans and is better adapted to high temperatures. For instance, the city boasts over two hundred "climate shelters" in publicly accessible spaces like museums, galleries, offices, and libraries, providing drinking water, air conditioning, and informational services. However, the Czech Republic is unprepared for heatwaves. Associate Researcher Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute Katarína Svitková commented for the Czech News Agency.
Show moreWhat are the trends in the campaigns for the European elections? What disinformation is circulating in the public space about the European Union? What are the reasons for the strong euroscepticism in the Czech Republic? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director in the Institute EUROPEUM answered these and other questions in the Czech-Slovak podcast "Teď naozaj!".
Show moreThe project aims to equip civil society organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia with comprehensive knowledge of media pluralism, media freedoms, and access to information necessary in the digital transition of the news media sector.
Show moreCílem projektu je vybavit organizace občanské společnosti v Bosně a Hercegovině a Srbsku komplexními znalostmi o pluralitě médií, svobodě médií a přístupu k informacím, které jsou nezbytné při digitální transformaci zpravodajského sektoru.
Show moreWe would like to invite you to a debate on "Green Deal and the energy crisis in the Czech information space". The debate will take place on Tuesday, 17 January from 18:00 to 19:30. The debate will also be available to watch online on the Facebook event page.
Show moreOn 17th of January 2023, the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organised a closed roundtable discussion titled Monitoring of the EU’s Green Policies: Perceptions and Narratives in the Czech and Slovak Information Space. The discussion was held under the Chatham House Rule and attended by experts on the EU’s green policies and disinformation from think-tank communities and academia as well as by journalists who regularly comment on these topics. The event was moderated by Žiga Faktor, EUROPEUM’s Head of the Brussels Office. A short report from the discussion was prepared by our junior researcher and project manager Tatiana Mindeková.
Show moreOur junior researcher Tatiana Mindeková conducted an analysis of the narratives around the Green Deal in the Czech and Slovak information scene. What kind of misinformation about the EU climate policy is being voiced in mainstream and alternative media? Tatiana Mindeková commented on the results of her research for
Show moreNaše juniorní výzkumná pracovnice Tatiana Mindeková vypracovala analýzu, ve které se věnuje narativům ohledně Zelené dohody na české a slovenské informační scéně. Jaké dezinformace týkající se klimatické politiky Evropské unie zaznívají v mainstreamových i alternativních médiích? Výsledky svého zkoumání Tatiana Mindeková komentovala pro
Show moreThe European Green Deal is the core of the current climate strategy of the European Union, which has set the goal of making Europe a carbon-neutral continent by 2050. In an effort to monitor and counter disinformation narratives about the deal, IRI's Beacon project launched an initiative called the “European Green Deal: Mapping perceptions in Central and Eastern Europe,” in which six partner organizations studied how the deal is perceived in Bulgaria, Czechia, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. Our project manager and juniour researcher, Tatiana Mindeková, analyzed narratives spread about the Green Deal and the EU’s green policies through Czech chain emails as well as through selected mainstream media and websites known for spreading disinformation.
Show more PDFEvropská zelená dohoda je jádrem současné klimatické strategie EU, která si stanovila za cíl učinit z Evropy do roku 2050 uhlíkově neutrální zemi. Ve snaze monitorovat a potírat dezinformační narativy o Zelené dohodě zahájil Beacon project vedený International Republican Institute iniciativu nazvanou "European Green Deal: Mapping perceptions in Central and Eastern Europe", v jejímž rámci šest partnerských organizací zkoumalo, jak je dohoda vnímána v Bulharsku, Česku, Polsku, Rumunsku a na Slovensku. Naše projektová manažerka a juniorská výzkumnice Tatiana Mindeková analyzovala narativy šířené o Zelené dohodě a zelené politice EU prostřednictvím českých řetězových e-mailů i vybraných mainstreamových médií a webových stránek známých šířením dezinformací.
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