TAPF | Transatlantic Evening Talks

Sign up for the unique Evening Talks in Prague!

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Conference | The Next 20 years of the Czech Republic in the EU - an endless story of catching up with Europe?

How has the Czech Republic changed during its membership in the EU, how has it managed to catch up economically with its western neighbours? Where has it moved and where is the next potential? And does the Czech Republic have a strategy to build on? Come and listen to renowned speakers from across Europe and join the discussion on what we have achieved in the last 20 years in the EU and where we are moving as a country. We are co-organising the conference with the Prague University of Economics and Business.

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Conference | Circularity in the Czech automotive industry: opportunities and obstacles

The automotive industry has long been the driving force of the Czech economy, but is currently facing fierce foreign competition and challenges in the area of decarbonisation and sustainability. Despite its strategic position in the automotive industry, the Czech Republic still lags behind its neighbours in circularity and lacks a long-term strategy for the development of the sector. How can we improve the conditions for the development of circular solutions in the automotive sector and attract key investments of the future to the Czech Republic? Come join the discussion and seek answers to these questions!

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Blesk.cz | Síkela could head the energy sector in Brussels, but there is no joy in Prague now

It looked like a real victory by the Czech EU negotiators. At least the German Die Welt presented it almost as a fait accompli that the influential post of EU Energy Commissioner was to be taken by the Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela. For Blesk daily commented Deputy Director and head of Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute Žiga Faktor.

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Hospodářské noviny | Síkela is supposed to look after the ambitious but criticized Global Gateway project for the EU. What awaits him?

The new composition of the European Commission and the distribution of portfolios caused puzzlement in Prague. The head of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, entrusted Jozef Síkela with the agenda of International Partnership and Global Gateway – a name that, apart from a handful of insiders in the Czech Republic, few people have heard of, instead of the long-talked about energy sector or international trade. EUROPEUM Institute analyst Zuzana Krulichová commented for Hospodářské noviny.

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Open-Air Cinema with a Debate: Stranger in Paradise

We invite you to a screening of the film Stranger in Paradise (2016) from this year's One World Festival, which will be followed by a debate on the topic of migration to Europe. The film focuses on questions often faced by immigrants coming to Europe: What do you really want from Europe? Is Europe just a paradise where you can freely pick its fruits? Belgian actor Valentijn Dhaenens, who plays the role of a mentor in the documentary, confronts them with various model reactions from Europeans to their arrival. The film explores issues such as who gets the chance to stay in Europe, on what criteria these decisions are based, and how complex the mechanisms are that determine entry into this "paradise."

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Café Evropa | Prague Pride: Is there a lack of tolerance in today's society?

We invite you to another Café Evropa debate, this time as part of the Prague Pride week! What are the biggest challenges we face in protecting minorities in public debate? How can we combat hateful comments in the digital world? How do we deal with such comments? At the Scout Institute, we will discuss the state of dialogue in society and focus on the space that tolerance has in social debate.

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Balkan Insight | City Heat: What Central European Capitls Are Doing To Keep Cool

With another heatwave expected this week following record temperatures in July, cities in Central Europe are belatedly taking action – but politics keeps getting in the way. Katarina Svitkova, an Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute specializing on climate change, urbanism and sustainability, comments for Balkan Insight.

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WhatNews | Cities are expecting another heat wave this year. What is Prague doing to keep us from getting baked?

The average temperature in the Czech Republic has increased by 2.2 degrees Celsius since the 1960s. As a result of climate change, the country is suffering more frequent weather extremes: torrential rain, drought and heat. Heat waves are particularly severe in heat islands that form in cities. Prague wants to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, add greenery and water features. Will it be enough? Katarina Svitková, an Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute gives examples to WHAT news on how Barcelona is adapting to the heat.

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Call for Participants: Euro-Atlantic Future of Ukraine and Eastern Europe: Views from Visegrad

Are you a Master’s student from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia keen on international relations and NATO's strategic future? Join our workshop series to engage with experts, present your views on NATO’s Open-Door policy, and network with peers from the region.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Prague 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org