Even thought parties belonging to the far right achieved good results in the European elections, their growth was not enough to have a major impact on politics in the future European Parliament. What developments can we anticipate with regard to the policy of enlargement of the EU after the elections? Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, comments on the situation for Serbia's Radio Free Europe.
Show moreWith Ukraine’s defence against Russia heading toward a stalemate in the second half of the year and increased pressure inside the EU to deliver on its promises to provide the country with needed financial and military support, Serbia’s ambiguous relationship with Russia and the West has been brought increasingly into the spotlight in 2023. The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), ruling since 2012, and President Aleksandar Vučić have been responsible for continued democratic backsliding and have failed to align with the Union’s foreign policy during Serbia’s lengthy EU accession process, pushing the situation closer towards a tipping point in Serbia-EU relations. Senior researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, Jana Juzová, describes this in more detail in her article for the European Institute of the Mediterranean.
Show moreUkrajinská obrana proti Rusku se v druhé polovině roku blíží patové situaci a tlak uvnitř EU na splnění slibů o poskytnutí finanční a vojenské podpory Ukrajině se zvyšuje. V roce 2023 se tak stále více dostává do popředí nejednoznačný vztah Srbska s Ruskem a Západem. Srbská pokroková strana (SNS), vládnoucí od roku 2012, a prezident Aleksandar Vučić jsou zodpovědní za pokračující demokratický úpadek a nesoulad se zahraniční politikou Unie během dlouhého procesu přistoupení Srbska k EU, což situaci posouvá blíže k bodu zlomu ve vztazích mezi Srbskem a EU. Více popisuje seniorní výzkumnice Institutu EUROPEUM, Jana Juzová, ve svém článku pro European Institute of the Mediterranean.
Show moreThe project aims to equip civil society organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia with comprehensive knowledge of media pluralism, media freedoms, and access to information necessary in the digital transition of the news media sector.
Show moreCílem projektu je vybavit organizace občanské společnosti v Bosně a Hercegovině a Srbsku komplexními znalostmi o pluralitě médií, svobodě médií a přístupu k informacím, které jsou nezbytné při digitální transformaci zpravodajského sektoru.
Show moreEUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites journalists, editors and media experts to participate in a project “Preparing news media in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia for the digital age” supported by the Transition Promotion Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Show moreListen to Ziga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office, on the Serbian elections.
Show moreAlthough Serbia has been a candidate country for EU accession for eleven years, its efforts are at a standstill. Our researcher Jana Juzová commented on the situation for the French media outlet Libération. In her article, the media outlet also mentioned a policy paper on which Jana Juzová collaborated with Oszkar Roginer, our project manager and researcher.
Show moreSrbsko je sice již jedenáct let kandidátskou zemí pro vstup do EU, její snaha je však na bodu mrazu. K situaci se vyjádřila naše výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová pro francouzské médium Libération. Ve svém článku médium také zmínilo policy paper, na kterém Jana Juzová spolupracovala s Oszkárem Roginerem, naším projektovým manažerem a výzkumným pracovníkem.
Show moreThis report, based on the Transatlantic Policy Forum held in November, examines the challenges facing the transatlantic relationship in 2024 in an increasingly volatile geopolitical environment. It highlights the potential impact on the post-war international order and its democratic values. The Ukrainian counter-offensive, the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the breakdown of dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo are highlighted as critical issues. The article also looks at the friction between China and the United States over Taiwan and possible interference in Taiwan's elections.
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