On April 18th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office in partnership with PISM Brussels Office under the Think Visegrad platform hosted a discussion titled “Regional Cooperation in Central Europe in the Aftermath of Russia’s War: Changes and Prospects”. This event was attended by 15 experts from think tanks and representatives of EU institutions.
Show moreThe report provides a summary of a public event organized by EUROPEUM's Brussels Office, in collaboration with CEPS, as part of the Think Visegrad platform on November 27th. The event was named "EU-India relations: A partnership beyond trade." Panelists included Alica Kizekova, Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague, Zsolt Trembeczki, Research Fellow at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA), and Fanny Sauvignon, Researcher at the Foreign Policy Unit of CEPS.
Show more PDFOn October 25th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office under the representation of Think Visegrad Brussels and in cooperation with Fondation Robert Schuman organized an expert discussion titled “Impact of the Russian War in Ukraine on European Security Architecture and EU’s Eastern Neighborhood”. This discussion, which was held under the Chatham House rules, gathered 19 experts from think-tanks, EU institutions, NATO and diplomats from EU Member states.
Show more PDFDne 25. října uspořádala bruselská kancelář EUROPEA pod záštitou Think Visegrad Brussels a ve spolupráci s Nadací Roberta Schumana odbornou diskusi s názvem "Dopad ruské války na Ukrajině na evropskou bezpečnostní architekturu a východní sousedství EU". Této diskuse, která se konala podle pravidel Chatham House, se zúčastnilo 19 odborníků z think-tanků, institucí EU, NATO a diplomatů z členských států EU.
Show more PDFOn October 24, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office under the representation of Think Visegrad Brussels and in cooperation with OSW organized an expert discussion titled “EVs, subsidies and the future of CEE Industry”. This discussion gathered 16 experts from think-tanks, academia, and experts from the European institutions. This discussion was held under the Chatham House rules.
Show more PDFDne 24. října uspořádala bruselská kancelář EUROPEA pod záštitou Think Visegrad Brussels a ve spolupráci s OSW odbornou diskusi s názvem "Elektromobily, dotace a budoucnost průmyslu střední a východní Evropy". Této diskuse se zúčastnilo 16 odborníků z think-tanků, akademické obce a odborníků z evropských institucí. Tato diskuse se konala podle pravidel Chatham House.
Show more PDFThe policy paper, written by Míla O’Sullivan, illustrates that to centre the gender dimension and women’s voices in all aspects of Europe’s security and recovery responses to Ukraine are areas with the most serious gendered impacts and identifies the risks of gender-oblivious responses to Ukraine’s peaceful and sustainable future as well as to its European integration.
Show moreRead the report from the debate "Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe", which took place on 27 March in Brussels.
Show more PDFPřečtěte si report z debaty "Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe", která proběhla 27. března v Bruselu.
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