Talking Europe(um) – podcast about Europe and the EU

Talking Europe(um) is a podcast which comments on current issues in the European Union. List of episodes, as well as information about where you can listen to the podcast, is in the article.

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EU MONITOR: An Arduous Path: Are Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania Ready to Join the Area?

Žiga Faktor authored an EU Monitor on the prospects of Schengen entrance of the states of Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania.

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EU MONITOR: An Arduous Path: Are Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania Ready to Join the Area?

Žiga Faktor publikoval monitor, ve kterém se zabývá otázkou možného vstupu Bulharska, Chortvatska a Rumunska do Schengenského prostoru.

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EU MONITOR: Securing Europe in Insecure Times: How Military Mobility and Deepened European Integration are Vital to Europe's Security

Adrian Blazquez authored an EU Monitor on the role of military mobility and deeper integration within the field of European security.

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INVITATION: The Value of Europe – What Do We Think about the Past, Present, and Future of Europe [MZV ČR]

We are happy to invite you to a presentation and follow-up round-table discussion co-hosted by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Pew Research Center.

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POZVÁNKA: The Value of Europe – What Do We Think about the Past, Present, and Future of Europe [MZV ČR]

S radostí vás zveme na prezentaci a následnou diskuzi u kulatého stolu, kterou pořádáme spolu s Pew Research Center.

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INVITATION: The Value of Europe - What Do We Think about the Past, Present, and Future of Europe [University of Economics]

We are more than glad to invite you to a presentation and follow-up round-table discussion co-hosted by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Pew Research Center. Read the whole article for complete information on the programme and guests.

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POZVÁNKA: The Value of Europe – What Do We Think about the Past, Present, and Future of Europe [VŠE]

S radostí vás zveme na prezentaci a následnou diskuzi u kulatého stolu, kterou pořádáme spolu s Pew Research Center. Více informací a jména hostů najdete v článku.

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Between moderate progress and prolonged stagnation: The European Commission’s Reports on the Western Balkans

In the next entry of the Eastern Monitor series, our Marko Stojić deals with European Commission's reports on the Western Balkans and the potential candidate countries from the area.

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Between moderate progress and prolonged stagnation: The European Commission’s Reports on the Western Balkans

V dalším příspěvku série Eastern Monitor se náš Marko Stojić věnuje reportům Evropské komise o západním Balkáně a potenciálních kandidátských zemích z této oblasti.

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