Timpul Prezent | European borders, EU enlargement and growing polarization in Slovakia

What are the borders of Europe and how do they coincide with the borders of the European Union? What are the prospects for EU enlargement towards the Western Balkans and the former Soviet states? These questions are addressed by Jana Juzová, senior researcher at EUROPEUM Institute for the Timpul Prezent podcast. She also discussed the consequences of the recent attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and highlighted the growing polarization of Slovak society and the potential threat to media independence.

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BLOG | Radio Silence: EU Media Laws in the Hungarian Context

The European Union has passed major legislation to try and secure media freedom and independence in recent years. However, for the state of media pluralism in certain Member States, these efforts have come too late. In the Hungarian context, a pro-ruling party media ecosystem stands well-entrenched in the private and public media sector. Writes our researcher, Henry Barrett, a Fulbright-Schuman Grantee.

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Report | Women in Digital Space (and AI): Looking into Central Europe: cases from Austria, Czechia, Poland and Slovakia

Our researcher Silke Maes in her latest report addresses issues of cyberviolence on women and examines whether women in the CEE benefit from digitalisation (and AI). The report looks into how women use and contribute to the digital space, examines opportunities and challenges and proposes recommendations for a more inclusive digital space.

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iRozhlas.cz | Fossil fuel boilers are not banned by the European Union

The information about an EU-wide ban on gas and coal boilers, that has been recently circulating on social media, is not true. The aim of the new European directive is not to ban them, but to promote the phasing out of these boilers in line with the 2050 carbon neutrality targets. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, described the nature of the directive to the iROZHLAS.cz project Ověřovna.

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LRT | Slovakia voted in the first round of presidential elections

Slovakians voted in the first round of presidential elections. The fiercest battle was between two politicians - as was expected - former Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini and opposition candidate and former foreign minister Ivan Korčok. The latter won the first round by surprising five percent diference. Slovak experts see the elections as crucial to determine the future political path of the country. Project manager of EUROPEUM Institute Kristína Chlebáková commented on the issue for Lithuanian National Radio and Television LRT.

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Visegrad/Insight | Tractors Trending: V4 Populists Appropriate the Farmers’ Protests Ahead of the EP Elections

The populist camps in the Visegrad Four countries have used the farmers' protests in their populist campaigns for the European Parliament elections in June. A fundamental change to the last EU elections in 2019 is visible in the politicians' messages towards the people, with social media taking over the classic platforms such as television, press or radio. Project Manager of Global Europe programme at EUROPEUM Institute, Oszkár Roginer-Hofmeister, wrote an article on this topic for Visegrad/Insight.

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Preparing news media in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia for the digital age

The project aims to equip civil society organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia with comprehensive knowledge of media pluralism, media freedoms, and access to information necessary in the digital transition of the news media sector.

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ČRo Plus | Macron came to Prague to discuss building nuclear blocks in Dukovany

French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Prague to meet with Czech officials. The main topic of the discussion is the construction of a new block of the Dukovany nuclear power plant, which has drawn interest from both the French state company EDF and the Korean KHNP. Amongst the main topics is also support for Ukraine and the issue of new ammunition. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, spoke about Macron's visit for ČRo Plus.

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Project for journalists from Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites journalists, editors and media experts to participate in a project “Preparing news media in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia for the digital age” supported by the Transition Promotion Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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Café Evropa podcast: Two years since the invasion: what's next for Ukraine?

We invite you to a public recording of the Café Evropa podcast: two years since the invasion: what's next for Ukraine? The recording will take place on Wednesday, 21 February 2024 at 17:30 at Langhans - Kavárna a Centrum Člověka v tísni, Vodičkova 37, Prague.

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