The unity of EU was served by Juncker to V4 leaders

Head of our institute Vladimír Bartovic commented on the meeting of Jean-Claude Juncker with the leaders of the V4 countries in the eve of European summit on migration and security.

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The Democrat: República Checa: Crise política iniciada pelo CSSD favorece ascensão de Andrej Babis à liderança do governo

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the political situation in the Czech Republic for the Portuguese magazine "The Democrat".

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The Democrat: Krize vyvolaná ČSSD může pomoc Andreji Babišovi do čela vlády

Zuzana Stuchlíková z naší bruselské kanceláře komentovala pro portugalský časopis "The Democrat" politickou situaci v České republice.

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Právní stát v Polsku a čekání na Godota

Naše Zuzana Stuchlíková se ve svém nejnovějším blogu věnuje současné krizi vztahů mezi EU a Polskem.

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EUobserver: Czechs pick 'useless' fight with EU on migration

In an interview for EUobserver, our director Vladimir Bartovic commented on the Czech government's arm wrestle match with the European Commission, over the asylum seeker relocation scheme at the risk of losing money and political clout.

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EUobserver: Czechs pick 'useless' fight with EU on migration

Náš ředitel Vladimir Bartovic, v rozhovoru pro EUobserver, komentoval rozhodnutí Evropské komise o spuštění řízení proti České republice za neplnění migračních kvót.

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Desperate gamble or strategic move by the Czech Prime minister?

Our Hanka Fridrichová analyses, in her new blog, the ongoing political crisis in the Czech Republic that is confusing both analysts and citizens.

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Desperate gamble or strategic move by the Czech Prime minister?

Naše Hanka Fridrichová analyzuje, ve svém nejnovějším blogu, politickou krizi české politické scény.

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Foreign Policy: Likely Next Czech Prime Minister Will Get Along Great With Trump

In an interview for Foreign Policy, our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on Sobotka's recent attempt to tender the resignation of his entire coalition government.

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Foreign Policy: Likely Next Czech Prime Minister Will Get Along Great With Trump

Náš ředitel Vladimír Bartovic pro Foreign Policy komentoval nedávné oznámení premiéra Bohuslava Sobotky o demisi koaličního kabinetu - tedy kroku, namířeného proti ministrovi financí Andreji Babišovi.

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