ČT24 | The European Parliament faced one of the toughest periods. How did it cope with the challenges?

The concluding European Parliament experienced one of the toughest periods. It had to address challenges such as the COVID crisis, the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, and the migration pact. How did the parliament deal with these complex issues? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, assessed the effectiveness of MEPs on a daily broadcast of ČT24.

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ČT24 | Evropský parlament čelil jedné z nejtěžších období. Jak se vyrovnal s výzvami?

Končící Evropský parlament si zažil jedno z nejtěžších období. Řešit musel například covidovou krizi, válku na Ukrajině, energetickou krizi a migrační pakt. Jak si s těmito složitými problémy parlament poradil? Ve vysílání ČT24 akceschopnost europoslanců hodnotil Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

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RevivEU project, carried out by four leading institutions in the V4 countries, looks at the needs, concerns and fears of the V4 citizens in four various EU-related topics. It does so through both quantitative and qualitative research of citizens´ attitudes towards climate change, migration, covid-19 and the rule of law. It also analyses the governmental policies in these four main areas and how the communication of these policies is framed in the public discourse.

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EU-Pacific Talks: In-EV-itable future of automotive industry: what is the role of the Pacific region

We would like to invite you to the debate called "EU-Pacific Talks: In-EV-itable future of automotive industry: what is the role of the Pacific region" in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Tuesday, May 30 at 13:00.

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Policy Paper | SUMP IT UP: Prague Moving towards Sustainable Urban Mobility

Katarína Svitková, our research associate, wrote a policy paper on sustainable mobility in Prague. According to Katarína, cities play an important role in reducing the carbon footprint. Therefore, one of the key areas to focus on is urban transport.

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Týdeník Euro: The far-right and populists are coming to power in Italy

Due to the premature fall of Draghi's government, Italians will go to the polls on Sunday 25 September. At stake, among other things, is how Rome will deal with the €200 billion covid bailout. Our research associate Alexandre Lagazzi has commented on the current situation.

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Studio ČT24: Abolishing the anti-coronavirus measures in Italy

Our Associate Research, Alexandr Lagazzi, gave an interview to ČT24 on the end of COVID passports in Italy. The liberalization that is now coming to the Mediterranean has not escaped Italy. During the interview, Alexandr Lagazzi mentioned the COVID measures that still apply and also those that are already being abolished. In addition to the measures concerning covid passports, the restrictions on respirators were also mentioned at the interview.

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Studio ČT24: Uvolňování protikoronavirových opatření v Itálii

Náš výzkumný spolupracovník, Alexandr Lagazzi, poskytl rozhor studiu ČT24 na téma konec covidpasů v Itálii. Rozvolnění, které nyní přichází i do středomoří se nevyhlo ani Itálii. Alexandr Lagazzi v rozhovoru uvedl protikoronová opatření, která jsou stále platná a naopak i ty, která se již ruší. Mimo opatření týkající se covidpasů, zazněly v rozhovoru i restrikce ohledně respirátorů.

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BLOG: Is the COVID-19 pandemic the coup de grace Hungarian democracy?

Intern Filip Sidó wrote a blog on "Is the COVID-19 pandemic a coup in Hungarian democracy?" in which he discusses the newly declared state of emergency in Hungary, which allows Prime Minister Orbán to rule through decrees that essentially give him unlimited power.

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BLOG: Is the COVID-19 pandemic the coup de grace Hungarian democracy?

Stážista Filip Sidó napsal blog na téma "Je pandemie COVID-19 převratem v maďarské demokracii?", ve které se zabývá nově vyhlášeným nouzovým stavem v Maďarsku, který premiérovi Orbánovi umožňuje vládnout pomocí dekretů, které mu v podstatě dávají neomezenou moc.

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email: europeum@europeum.org