Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: what has membership given to and taken away from Czechia?

Come and discuss at the next Café Evropa debate series! This time we will visit City of Hranice. Are you interested in how the Green Deal will affect the city, how to draw EU subsidies for local projects, the impact of adopting the euro, security or other European topics?

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Czech Radio | Czech study reveals persistent poverty across generations

A recent analysis by the Czech Statistical Office found that children from low-income families often remain in the lower income brackets as adults. Over a third of those who experienced childhood financial hardship continue to be among the least wealthy. Klára Votavová, an Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, discussed why Czechia struggles with persistent poverty and the impact of education on social status in an interview for Czech Radio.

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Český rozhlas | Česká studie odhaluje přetrvávající mezigenerační chudobu

Nedávná analýza Českého statistického úřadu ukázala, že děti z nízkopříjmových rodin často zůstávají i v dospělosti v nižších příjmových skupinách. Více než třetina těch, kteří v dětství čelili finančním potížím, se stále nachází mezi nejméně majetnými. Klára Votavová, výzkumná spolupracovnice Institutu EUROPEUM, v rozhovoru pro Český rozhlas mluvila o tom, proč se Česku nedaří řešit přetrvávající chudobu a jakou roli hraje vzdělání v otázce sociálního postavení.

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Czech Radio | Only seventeen percent of Czechs satisfied with Czech politics

A poll for Czech Television shows that only 17 percent of Czechs are content with their political representation. Public discontent has intensified due to recent austerity measures intended to address the public deficit, with significant concerns over inflation, increasing living costs, energy price policies, and the government's poor communication. Klára Votavová, an Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, spoke to Czech Radio about the roots of this distrust and how Fiala's government plans to respond ahead of the 2025 parliamentary elections.

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Český rozhlas | S politickou situací je spokojených jen sedmnáct procent Čechů

Z průzkumu pro Českou televizi vyplývá, že pouze 17 % Čechů je spokojeno se svou politickou reprezentací. Nespokojenost zesílila zejména po nedávných úsporných opatření, která měla řešit státní deficit, nepomáhá pak ani inflace, zvyšující se životní náklady, cenová politika v oblasti energií či špatná komunikace vlády. Klára Votavová, výzkumná spolupracovnice Institutu EUROPEUM, pro Český rozhlas rozebrala původ této nedůvěry a jak na ni chce reagovat Fialova vláda před parlamentními volbami v roce 2025.

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Czech Radio | Government agrees on Síkela as new Czech EU Commissioner

The Czech government has nominated its current Minister of Industry and Trade, Jozef Síkela, for the role of European Commissioner, aiming to secure an economic portfolio. In doing so, they are bypassing European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's request to put forward both a male and a female candidate. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, discussed the decision and its implications on Czech Radio.

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Český rozhlas | Vláda rozhodla o jmenování Síkely novým českým eurokomisařem

Česká vláda nominuje na post eurokomisaře současného ministra průmyslu a obchodu Jozefa Síkelu, čímž usiluje o získání ekonomického portfolia. Obejdou tak požadavek předsedkyně Evropské komise Ursuly von der Leyen, aby navrhla kandidáty dva. O těchto rozhodnutích a jejich důsledcích v rozhovoru pro Český rozhlas mluvil Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM.

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ČRo | The European Commission boycotts the Hungarian presidency due to Orban's unexpected visit to Russia

The European Commission has announced that, in light of developments since the beginning of the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union, it plans to boycott informal ministerial meetings and send only senior officials instead of commissioners. Viktor Orbán has come under criticism for his recent trip to Russia, which he described as a peace mission aimed at ending the war in Ukraine and which he did not consult with the leaders of other EU states. This move comments Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute for Czech Radio.

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Czech Radio | New MEPs bring new debates. What challenges await the new European Parliament?

According to the Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute Martin Vokálek European topics will be more frequently discussed in the public sphere. The reason for this are the newly elected MEPs, who met for the first time this week at a plenary session in Strasbourg. Their ranks include not only "traditional" politicians but also prominent figures with unconventional approaches. What challenges and changes can we expect from the new European Parliament? Listen to the Czech Radio podcast Bruselské chlebíčky.

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Czech Radio | Babiš will be seen as a pro-Russian politician due to his faction in the European Parliament

ANO movement leader Andrej Babiš recently co-founded a new group in the European Parliament with Viktor Orbán. Patriots for Europe, considered an extreme right-wing bloc, now include parties of Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders among others. Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala labeled it as pro-Russian oriented. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on Babiš's actions for Czech Radio.

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