Our Associate Research Fellow, Tereza Novotná, was interviewed by Czech Radio about the French presidential election in which Emmanuel Macron was re-elected and France's position in the European Union.
Zjistit víceEsteban Gas has written a blog about the French elections that took place during the French presidency. While Macron’s re-election at a glance enables another term of continuation of the existing French agenda in the Union, the tightening of the gap between the far-right and Macron will have to be acknowledged politically in the years to come and might affect the EU.
Zjistit více PDFRose Hartwig-Peillon commented for E15.cz on the upcoming presidential elections in France. The candidate of the far-right National Front, Marine Le Pen, is closing in on leader Emmanuel Macron (Republic on the Move) in the polls, which has spooked investors there. Nevertheless, the current French president remains the favourite to win.
Zjistit víceRose Hartwig-Peillon writes in her blog about the upcoming French elections. How does the war in Ukraine affect the French presidential election, is Macron already the clear winner of the election or is it not a certainty? Is there a lack of a proper national debate in France?
Zjistit více PDFRose Hartwig-Peillon ve svém blogu píše o nadcházející francouzských volbách. Jak válka na Ukrajině ovlivňuje francouzské prezidentské volby, je už teď Macron jasným vítězem voleb nebo to nemá jisté? Chybí ve Francii řádná vnitrostátní diskuze?
Zjistit více PDFTalking Europe(um) is a podcast which comments on current issues in the European Union. List of episodes, as well as information about where you can listen to the podcast, is in the article.
Zjistit víceTalking Europe(um) je podcast, který komentuje aktuální dění v Evropské unii. Seznam epizod a informace o tom, kde si podcast můžete pustit, najdete v článku.
Zjistit víceMatěj Navrátil is the author of a new policy paper on the Macron’s vision of the European Union and its comparison with the V4’s idea of the European future.
Zjistit více PDFMatěj Navrátil je autorem nového policy paperu, který se zabývá Macronovou vizí Evropské unie a jejím srovnáním s představou evropské budoucnosti v očích V4.
Zjistit více PDFOur Martin Michelot was a guest on France 24, where he commented on the recent naming of Edouard Philippe as the French PM.
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