Why are think tanks more important now than ever before: think tanks in a post-factual world

Following up to last year's results and marking the launch of the 2016 Go To Think Tank Index we organize a public discussion destined to take stock of how think tanks in the Czech Republic and beyond are still able today to fulfill their functions of informing policy debates.

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Why are think tanks more important now than ever before: think tanks in a post-factual world

V návaznosti na minulý ročník a ku příležitosti zahájení Go To Think Tank Indexu 2016 pořádáme veřejnou diskuzi, která se zaměří na zhodnocení působnosti a činnosti think-tanků nejen v České republice a zkoumání současné schopnosti těchto institucí plnit svou funkci informování politických debat.

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Global Go To Think Tank index 2014

The results of the 8th annual Global Go To Think Tank index were published, see how we ranked.

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Global Go To Think Tank index 2014

Byly vyhlášeny výsledky již 8. ročníku Global Go To Think Tank indexu, podívejte se jak jsme se umístili.

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