What did the EU enlargement bring for the Czech Republic and other countries twelve years ago?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy would like to invite you to a public discussion introducing Tereza Novotná’s new publication "How Germany Unified and the EU Enlarged: Negotiating the Accession through Transplantation and Adaptation".

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Better Regulation Agenda - Better Deal for European Industry and Businesses? A view from the Central European Perspective

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is one of the organizers of this breakfast roundtable which will bring together representatives of businesses, governments and EU institutions, to debate about priorities of the EU Better Regulation Agenda in the year ahead while considering interests of the EU Central and Eastern European Member States.

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EurActiv: Commission decision over the rule of law in Poland

Our associated research fellow Piotr Maciej Kaczyński in an interview for EurActiv about the decision of the Commission over the rule of law in Poland.

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