Naši výzkumní pracovníci Žiga Faktor a Jana Juzová ve čtyřech policy paperech analyzují letošní volby v Srbsku, Chorvatsku, Severní Makedonii a Černé Hoře a nabízí doporučení zaměřená na posílení politiky rozšiřování EU.
Z předmluvy, jejímž autorem je Christian Kvorning Lassen:
In this report, EUROPEUM’s two researchers – Jana Juzová and Žiga Faktor – analyze each of the four elections from these perspectives in four policy papers, offering succinct dissections of the elections themselves, as well as what they portend for the future of the region and the EU’s enlargement policy. Based on their analyses, they offer policy recommendations designed to strengthen the EU enlargement policy in a tailor-made approach rather than the hitherto “one size fits all”-approach that has proven dysfunctional not only from the perspective of future enlargement, but also retrospectively during the last enlargement wave in 2004.
The enlargement policy may be seen as marginalized today, yet the enlargement policy is not solely a policy of enlargement; it is a window into the state of the EU, as well as the soul of Europe itself. It is therefore my pleasure to invite interested readers to read more about the 2020 developments in the Western Balkans, offering both valuable insights about the region itself, and an opportunity to thoughtfully consider what role the EU and Europe should play in a changing world marred by instability and upheaval.
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Expertiza: Migrace/evropská migrační krize, zahraniční politika EU, mezinárodní právo týkající se humanitárních intervencí, skandinávská politika, populismus
Expertíza: regionalismus, Visegrádská spolupráce, demokratizace a evropská integraci zemí západního Balkánu, proces rozšiřování EU
Expertíza: Rozšiřování EU, integrace zemí západního Balkánu, vztahy EU s Tureckem, slovinská politika