Naše projektová manažerka Miroslava Pisklová napsala pro internetový portál New Europe článek věnující se Bidenovu evropskému turné, které vyvrcholilo jednáním amerického prezidenta Joea Bidena s jeho ruským protějškem Vladimírem Putinem v Ženevě.
The June 14 NATO Summit in Brussels was Biden’s first as president and gave him the opportunity to meet with the other 29 NATO leaders. During discussions with his counterparts, Biden was able to calm many of the internal political tensions that had built up as a result of Trump’s constant belligerence towards his own transatlantic partners by reassuring the NATO allies that the US was committed to Article 5 of the alliance’s treaty – the pledge by every member to defend any and all who belong to NATO in the event one of them is attacked.
Celý článek naleznete v anglickém jazyce zde.
#NATO #Biden #Putin #USAExpertiza: Evropská bezpečnost a obrana, hybridní hrozby, transatlantické vztahy, slovenská domácí a zahraniční politika