EU enlargement after Brexit: Temporary turmoil or the final nail in the coffin of enlargement?
Marko Stojic sepsal další publikaci ze série EASTERN MONITOR, která se věnuje dopadu rozhodnutí Velké Británie odejít z Unie na politiku rozšiřování
24. listopadu 2016

Marko Stojic sepsal nové vydání série EASTERN MONITOR, která se věnuje dopadu rozhodnutí Velké Británie odejít z Unie na politiku rozšiřování EU.
- The result of the British referendum on EU membership sent powerful shockwaves across the EU and beyond, throwing the Union into ‘an existential crisis’ and causing a period of unprecedented uncertainty and confusion over its future. How will the British decision to leave the EU affect the prospects of countries that seek to join the Union? Will EU enlargement, a policy that had lost its momentum long before the British decision, gradually wane? Will member and candidate states seize an opportunity to finally reenergize this foundering policy?
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