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In Search of a New Political Culture

Christian Kvorning Lassen se ve svém nejnovějším blogu zaměřuje na možné výhledy politické kultury s ohledem na polarizaci společnosti a možné výsledky voleb v několika zemích EU.
15. února 2017

Thus, rather than accepting differences, which is fundamental to maintaining a well-functioning democracy, a destructive culture of vengefulness has taken its place in which the electorate’s champions – elected politicians – compete in a race to the bottom rather than engaging in meaningful politics and society building.

The outcome is a predictable and unsustainable vicious cycle in which politics become more and extreme, with politicians trying to bend constitutional checks and balances, like Donald Trump is currently doing. In Europe, the same tendencies are primarily seen on the right wing of the political spectrum.

The right wing in the EU, much like the Republicans in the US, needs to deliver something more tangible and sustainable than short-sighted extremist policies based purely on values and “feelings”, be it on migration, climate change, health care or economic policies. They need to seek center-based solutions either backed – or at least acceptable by – the opposition, lest the vicious cycle of disruption continues.

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