Report | Making enlargement work again: Supporting Western Balkans through the experiences of Central and Eastern Europe

On September 12th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office organized a public conference titled “Making enlargement work again: Supporting Western Balkans through the experiences of Central and Eastern Europe”. Following a keynote speech by H.E. Bálint Ódor, the panel discussions dwelled on the 2004 enlargement, its impacts on the EU and the lessons learned from the process through the perspective of current EU accession of the countries of Western Balkans.

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Radio Slobodna Evropa | What are the chances of EU enlargement by 2030?

The prospect of EU enlargement by the end of the mandate of the future European Commission looks more optimistic than at any time in the last decade. And barring the full membership of one new state, it is realistic to expect that at least one country will have concluded membership negotiations by the end of this decade and is just waiting for an acceptance date. Jana Juzová, a senior research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Radio Slobodna Evropa.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: EU enlargement - when will the Western Balkan countries see their EU membership?

We invite you to a debate as part of the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "EU enlargement - when will the Western Balkan countries see their membership in the Union?". The debate will take place on 7 June at 17:30 online on our Facebook profile.

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REPORT: Western Balkans in 2020

Our researchers, Žiga Faktor and Jana Juzová, analyse elections in Serbia, Croatia, Northern Macedonia and Montenegro in four policy papers and offer recommendations aimed at strengthening the EU's enlargement policy.

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REPORT: Západní Balkán v roce 2020

Naši výzkumní pracovníci Žiga Faktor a Jana Juzová ve čtyřech policy paperech analyzují letošní volby v Srbsku, Chorvatsku, Severní Makedonii a Černé Hoře a nabízí doporučení zaměřená na posílení politiky rozšiřování EU.

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INVITATION: Western Balkans in 2020: EU Enlargement in Turbulent Times

We would like to invite you to a debate "Western Balkans in 2020: EU Enlargement in Turbulent Times". The event will take place on Friday 27 November between 17:00–18:15 via Zoom and will be broadcasted on Facebook.

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REPORT: EU enlargement during the coronavirus crisis

The panel discussion titled “EU enlargement during the Coronavirus crisis” was organised by the Think Visegrad in Brussels platform and took place on Thursday, April 23rd 2020. Due to the special circumstances related to the Coronavirus pandemic, the debate was held on the online platform Zoom and broadcasted on the Facebook page of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The panellists focused on the implications of the COVID-19 health crisis on the EU enlargement policy in Western Balkans.

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REPORT: Rozšiřování Evropské unie během koronavirové krize

Expertní diskuzi týkající se důsledků rozšiřování Evropské unie během koronavirové krize zorganizovala 23. dubna 2020 think-tank platforma V4 Think Visegrad. Kvůli pandemii koronaviru debata proběhla online přes Zoom a byla vysílána na facebookové stránce Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM. Hosté debatovali o důsledcích krize viru COVID-19 na politiku rozšiřování Evropské unie na západním Balkáně.

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EASTERN MONITOR: Western Balkans in the fight against the COVID-19: Another cause for democratic backsliding?

In her latest Eastern Monitor, Jana Juzová examines the fight of western Balkans countries against the COVID-19.

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EASTERN MONITOR: Západní Balkán v boji proti COVID-19: další důvod pro odklon od demokracie?

Ve svém posledním Eastern Monitor zkoumá Jana Juzová boj západního Balkánu s COVID-19.

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