We invite you to a public podcast recording focusing on the discussion of changes in the Czech approach to refugees due to the Russian war in Ukraine. We will delve into shifts in Czech solidarity towards refugees and also discuss the new migration pact, its content, and significance.
Show moreZveme Vás na veřejné natáčení podcastu, které se bude věnovat diskuzi o změnách v přístupu Čechů k uprchlíkům v důsledku ruské války na Ukrajině. Zaměříme se na proměny v solidaritě Čechů vůči uprchlíkům, ale také probereme nový migrační pakt, jeho obsah a význam.
Show moreRepresentatives of the EU Member States in Brussels confirm their agreement on the final form of the migration package. The Czech Republic reportedly abstained from voting, while Hungary and Poland opposed it. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the final form of the migration pact.
Show moreThe Czech Republic will be able to apply for an exemption from the migration pact because of Ukrainian refugees on its territory. If this exemption is not granted, the Czech Republic will either have to accept more migrants or pay a sum of up to 480 million CZK per year into an EU fund. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the migration pact for online outlet Novinky.cz.
Show moreThe European Parliament recently approved the Migration Pact, which, among other things, deals with the relocation of asylum seekers. Minister of the Interior Vít Rakušan claims Czechia will have an exemption from solidarity due to the number of Ukrainian refugees it accepted. The Migration Pact will take effect in two years, and its strengths and weaknesses were analysed by Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of the EUROPEUM Institute.
Show moreEvropský parlament nedávno schválil migrační pakt, který se mimo jiné zabývá i relokací žadatelů o azyl. Podle ministra vnitra Víta Rakušana bude mít Česko výjimku ze solidarity kvůli přijatým uprchlíkům z Ukrajiny. Migrační pakt začne platit za dva roky a o jeho slabých a silných stránkách mluvil zástupce ředitele Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM Viktor Daněk pro vysílání ČT24.
Show moreThe Migration Pact consists of ten legislative proposals that passed the European Parliament last week. They still have to be voted on in the Council of Ministers. Failure to comply with these regulations could lead to lawsuits and heavy fines. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the Migration Pact for Novinky.cz.
Show moreWe invite you to a public recording of the Café Evropa podcast: two years since the invasion: what's next for Ukraine? The recording will take place on Wednesday, 21 February 2024 at 17:30 at Langhans - Kavárna a Centrum Člověka v tísni, Vodičkova 37, Prague.
Show moreEU Member States reached agreement on a migration pact to improve migration control and speed up the return of failed asylum seekers. The Czech Republic abstained in the vote and Prime Minister Petr Fiala has expressed concern about the proposed changes, which he says increase the administrative burden on states. Senior researcher Vít Havelka spoke to TN.cz about the issue.
Show moreAfter many years of unsuccessful efforts, EU member states and MEPs agreed today on new migration and asylum rules for the European bloc. The series of standards provides for, among other things, more effective checks on migrants and faster return of failed asylum seekers to their countries of origin. It also introduces compulsory solidarity among all EU states, which can help overburdened countries either by accepting part of the migrants or by providing financial or material aid. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the topic for Radiožurnál.
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