Hospodářské noviny | It is a betrayal, Babiš rejects the EU migration pact. His allies say it will limit migration

The new rules on asylum and migration agreed upon by EU member states this year are, according to ANO movement leader Andrej Babiš, "a huge betrayal prepared by the government of Petr Fiala". Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Hospodářské noviny.

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Hospodářské noviny | Je to zrada, odmítá Babiš migrační pakt EU. Podle jeho spojenců přitom migraci omezí

Nová pravidla pro azyl a migraci, na kterých se letos dohodly státy Evropské unie, jsou podle šéfa hnutí ANO Andreje Babiše „obrovskou zradou, kterou připravila vláda Petra Fialy“. Pro Hospodářské noviny komentoval zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM Viktor Daněk.

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Czech Radio | Babiš will be seen as a pro-Russian politician due to his faction in the European Parliament

ANO movement leader Andrej Babiš recently co-founded a new group in the European Parliament with Viktor Orbán. Patriots for Europe, considered an extreme right-wing bloc, now include parties of Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders among others. Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala labeled it as pro-Russian oriented. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on Babiš's actions for Czech Radio.

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Český rozhlas | Babiš bude kvůli své frakci v Evropském parlamentu vnímán jako proruský politik

Lídr hnutí ANO Andrej Babiš nedávno spoluzaložil novou politickou skupinu v Evropském parlamentu s Viktorem Orbánem. Frakce Patrioti pro Evropu, považovaná za krajně pravicový blok, nyní zahrnuje mimo jiné strany Marine Le Pen a Geerta Wilderse. Premiér Petr Fiala ji označil za prorusky orientovanou. Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM, Babišovy kroky komentoval pro Český rozhlas.

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Seznam Zprávy | Babiš' political group in the European Parliament is dominantly pro-Russian

The ANO movement has joined the new group Patriots for Europe, which it co-founded to promote national interests in Europe more effectively. Now it is third-largest in the European Parliament and includes, among others, the French National Rally of Marine Le Pen, and the Hungarian Fidesz of Viktor Orbán. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute talked in the podcast 5:59 of Seznam Zprávy how this affiliation could affect the perception of the Czech Republic abroad.

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CNN Prima News | France Elects New Parliament

The French elections were surprisingly won by the left. Its partner in forming a government may be the alliance of President Emmanuel Macron. And on European level Marine Le Pen will join a new political party in the European Parliament, Patriots for Europe, which Czech politician Andrej Babiš co-founded. Listen to the comments of Viktor Daňek, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute for CNN Prima News.

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CNN Prima News | Francie zvolila nový parlament

Francouzské volby překvapivě vyhrála sjednocená levice. Partnerem na sestavení vlády ji může být středová aliance prezidenta Emmanuela Macrona. Na evropské úrovni Marine Le Pen se přidá k nové frakci v Evropském parlamentu Patrioti pro Evropu, na jejímž založení se podílel i Andrej Babiš. Poslechněte si komentář Viktora Daňka, zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM pro CNN Prima News.

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Blesk.cz | What is happening to the EU?

The political helm of Europe is taking a new direction. And according to political analysts, not a favourable one. The results of the elections in France showed this, with the far right winning 37 seats and the left-wing coalition 32. What is more, since the weekend it has been known that a new faction is to be created in the European Parliament - one that is more focused on national interests. One of the three founders is the head of Czech ANO movement, Andrej Babiš. Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for Blesk.cz.

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Blesk.cz | Co se děje s EU?

Politické kormidlo Evropy nabírá nový směr. A podle politologů nijak příznivý. Ukázaly to výsledky voleb ve Francii, kde krajní pravice získala 37 mandátů a levicová koalice 32. Navíc - od víkendu je známo, že v Evropském parlamentu má vzniknout nová frakce – zaměřená více na národní zájmy. Jedním ze tří zakladatelů je šéf hnutí ANO Andrej Babiš. Pro Blesk.cz komentuje Žiga Faktor, zástupce ředitele a vedoucí bruselské kanceláře Institutu EUROPEUM.

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TV Nova | Patriots for Europe recruiting new parties for political group status in the European Parliament

Andrej Babiš's dream of establishing a new political party in the European Parliament is coming true and it looks like the new grouping could shuffle the political cards. A number of strong parties have expressed interest in membership and it could happen that even the strongest far-right party could be formed. In addition to ANO movement MEPs two other from Přísaha a Motoristé sobě coalition could also join the party. Martin Vokálek, executive director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the formation and influence of the possible new group for the main evening broadcast on TV Nova.

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