Factsheet | Emission allowances for households: What is ETS2 and how to use it to our advantage

The extension of the emissions trading system for local heating and road transport, the so-called ETS2, is due to come into effect in 2027. ETS2 now needs to be adopted into Czech legislation under the Emissions Trading Act. In this factsheet you will find basic facts and answers to questions that the Czech public often asks. Please also see the attached materials from the organisations that contributed to the factsheet.

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Factsheet | Transport poverty: definition, primary data of Czech households and possible solutions

Already 3% of households in the Czech Republic are at risk of transport poverty, and this situation could worsen in a few years' time. Indeed, with the introduction of the ETS2, the emissions trading scheme for households, which extends emissions trading to road transport and local heating of buildings, fuel prices are expected to rise from 2027. This will have an impact on household budgets. Read the factsheet put together by Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute Rebeka Hengalová to find out exactly what transport poverty is and how it can be prevented and eradicated.

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iDnes.cz | Europeans were driven to vote by inflation. Another reason applies to Czechs, survey finds

Rising prices, defence of the country and migration are topics that motivated Czechs to participate in the European Parliament elections this June. Although similar issues have drawn voters to the polls in other EU countries, Czech turnout remains far below average. However, the real impact of European regulations is making more and more Czechs interested in the elections. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for iDnes.cz.

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Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: what has membership given and taken away from Šumperk region?

At the end of October, we will be heading to Šumpersko for the regional debate from the Café Evropa series. Join our guests to discuss how the region has changed over the last two decades and what EU membership has brought to the region. How could the region make better use of European subsidies? And what will you get out of the Green Deal?

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The project (Re)uniting the East and West: Reflections on the 2004 EU enlargement (REWEU) is focused on the commemoration of the 2004 “big bang” EU enlargement at the occasion of its 20th anniversary in May 2024. This event had numerous positive effects on shaping Europe as we know it today, boosting its security, economic potential, and spreading democracy, good governance and European values across the European continent.

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Projekt (Re)uniting the East and West: Reflections on the 2004 EU enlargement (REWEU) je zaměřen na připomenutí „velkého rozšíření“ EU v roce 2004 u příležitosti jeho 20. výročí v květnu 2024. Tato událost měla řadu pozitivních dopadů na utváření Evropy jak ji známe dnes, posílila její bezpečnost, hospodářský potenciál a rozšířila demokracii, princip řádné správy a evropské hodnoty po celém evropském kontinentu.

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TAPF | Transatlantic Evening Talks

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to expand your understanding of transatlantic relations with a one-week program in November! Over the course of this week, you’ll engage with experts, participate in discussions, and gain invaluable insights into the complex dynamics shaping the relationship between Europe and North America.

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TAPF | Transatlantic Evening Talks

Nenechte si ujít tuto jedinečnou příležitost rozšířit své znalosti o transatlantických vztazích díky týdennímu programu! Během listopadového týdne se zapojíte do diskuzí s odborníky a získáte neocenitelný vhled do složité dynamiky, která utváří vztahy mezi Evropou a Severní Amerikou.

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Hospodářské noviny | Europe prepares big changes to 'kick-start' business, according to Draghi

In a comprehensive analysis, renowned economist and former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi warned EU countries that if their economies continue to grow as they have been, they are in for "slow agony". Well, stagnation. According to the former chief of the European Central Bank, the EU economies will be as large in 2050 as they are today, mainly because the number of people of working age will fall. The only way to reverse this trend is for EU countries to significantly increase their productivity. However, productivity in Europe has grown much more slowly in recent years than in the United States, for example. Filip Křenek, project coordinator and analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Hospodářské noviny.

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Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: what has membership given and taken away from Semily?

Come and debate at the next Café Evropa regional debate series! This time we will be in Semily. What do you think of the Czech Republic's 20 years in the EU? Are you worried about what the migration pact, the Green Deal will bring? Have European subsidies helped the development of the town? What has the EU given and taken away from you? We want to hear from you!

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