CNN Prima News | Plenary meeting in Strasbourg to decide on budget and loan to Ukraine

MEPs in Strasbourg will vote on a loan of up to 900 billion crowns to Ukraine. This should be covered by the proceeds from frozen Russian assets. Other topics to be discussed include the EU's draft budget for next year and the situation in Lebanon. Martin Vokálek, executive director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for CNN Prima News.

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Report | Ukraine’s EU membership: an economic challenge or an opportunity?

On September 26th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office organized an expert discussion titled “Ukraine’s EU membership: an economic challenge or an opportunity?” The debate focused on the potential economic impacts of Ukraine’s accession to the Union, including the EU budget, sectoral policies, energy or critical raw materials. It also evaluated the opportunities for Central European countries and their private sector to strengthen the ties between the two regions. Read the full report below.

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Hospodářské noviny | Europe prepares big changes to 'kick-start' business, according to Draghi

In a comprehensive analysis, renowned economist and former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi warned EU countries that if their economies continue to grow as they have been, they are in for "slow agony". Well, stagnation. According to the former chief of the European Central Bank, the EU economies will be as large in 2050 as they are today, mainly because the number of people of working age will fall. The only way to reverse this trend is for EU countries to significantly increase their productivity. However, productivity in Europe has grown much more slowly in recent years than in the United States, for example. Filip Křenek, project coordinator and analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Hospodářské noviny.

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Seznam Zprávy | Surprise from Brussels. Síkela got a different portfolio, but with a huge budget

Jozef Síkela will be in charge of the International Partnerships portfolio within the European Commission. This was announced by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Seznam Zprávy.

Show more | New Commissioner Síkela. Big budget, less influence

Czech Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela has been appointed Commissioner for International Partnerships at the European Commission. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on TN Live whether this is a win or a loss.

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Deník N | Europe is lagging behind the US and China, it would have to invest to prosper. What does the Czech budget has to say to that?

In a report to the European Commission, Mario Draghi, former Italian Prime Minister and head of the European Central Bank, warns that without massive investment in green technology, digitalization and defense, Europe will lose its competitiveness. The report was commented by Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute Klára Votavová.

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Czech Radio | Jozef Síkela is to be EU Commissioner for International Partnerships. The opposition considers the portfolio weak and invisible

Czech Industry Minister Jozef Síkela is to be the Commissioner for International Partnerships in the new European Commission. EU chief executive Ursula von der Leyen announced this at a press conference in Strasbourg. Political analysts are divided on Síkela's portfolio, they say the government expected more. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Czech Radio.

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ČT24 | Síkela to be European Commissioner for International Partnerships, von der Leyen has announced

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has announced the staff of the new European Commission. Czech Minister of Industry and Trade Minister Jozef Síkela is to be Commissioner for International Partnerships. This portfolio includes the largest ever Directorate-General, which employs three thousand people and has a large financial envelope. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for ČT24.

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Hospodářské noviny | The Czech Republic can raise billions to fight transport poverty, but the government is hesitant on key legislation

A household is at risk of transport poverty if it either spends a large proportion of its budget on transport needs, cannot meet all its transport needs, or has no cheaper alternatives to private or public transport. According to a study by the analytical institute STEM, on average three percent of households in the Czech Republic are at risk of this situation. Rebeka Hengalová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, comments for Hospodářské noviny.

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Policy Brief | Preparing for EU35+: The View from Central Europe

Despite the historical support of EU enlargement policy by the Visegrad Four (V4), these Central European states are now faced with the challenge of reconciling their stances with the new realities of the process. As Ukraine and Moldova opened their accession negotiations, the EU seems to be torn on the questions associated with the future enlargement(s) - institutional reforms and changes within the EU budget. Transitioning from economic beneficiaries to potential contributors, the V4 states must evaluate the potential political and economic impacts of new members on both the EU and their domestic levels. Writes and proposes recommendations Vladislava Gubalova from GLOBSEC.

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