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TRT World: NATO's Future: How will Trump influence the alliance?

Náš Martin Michelot byl pozván na kulatý stůl ve vysílání TRT World, aby se vyjádřil k summitu Severoatlantické aliance a vlivu amerického prezidenta na NATO.
19. července 2018

I would not venture to say that thanks to the actions of Mr Trump the Alliance in stronger today. If anything, what was agreed upon in Brussels was pre-agreed upon by the Ministers of Defence and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs. So on the specific strand of deterrence towards Russia, on the strand of what the EU and NATO will cooperate on, and on the strand of what NATO wil do on couter-terrorism the Alliance is stronger. But Donald Trump rather undermined the trust of the allies by adding this factor of unpredictability; knowing that at any time he could have a different idea in mind that could lead him to eventualy turn the tables. 

Celé video si můžete pustit (v angličtině) na stránkách TRT World.


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