The V4 and the European Defence Initiatives
Gergely Varga publikoval v rámci platformy Think Visegrad zajímavý policy paper. Soustředí se na rozdílné přístupy zemí V4 k EU a NATO, ale zároveň nachází společné znaky, které mohou být cennými poznatky v diskuzi o budoucnosti společné evropské obrany.
15. listopadu 2019

The Visegrad Four are far from unanimous and exclusively critical in their approach to the European defence initiatives. In different forms and to various extent, all are hedging against the risks and uncertainties of the long-term prospects of the transatlantic relationship and the challenges of a deeper European defence cooperation.
Alongside the differences, the V4 has some common traits, including pragmatism, inclusivity, and a genuine 360-degree approach - which are valuable inputs to the debates surrounding the future of European defence
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Gergely Varga PhD is a Senior research fellow at the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade.