Gas in numbers | European gas solidarity: where does the Czech Republic stand? | UPDATED
European Union countries are facing a period of gas consumption cuts. Although the proposal agreed by Member States aims for a voluntary reduction of 15% in consumption in the coming months compared to the average of the past five years, the pressure for even greater savings will grow. And not only in natural gas consumption, but also in electricity. Our researcher Michal Hrubý has written an overview of gas and its use in the Czech Republic, in which he highlights the need for savings to help us get through this year's heating season and answers several questions related to gas consumption.
Where does the Czech Republic stand on gas? What are our supplies and where to get new capacity? And how can we save for next winter? These questions are also answered in the review.
We will update the overview gradually (originally published on 1 August 2022).
1. December 2022