Handbook | The Digital Disruption and the News Media Market: Fundamentals from the Western Balkans
The relevance of public discussions, progressive regulations and the development of skills to act and exist amid a digitally transitioning news media sector cannot be overstated. From the legislative and practical viewpoint of content manufacturing on one side, and access to reliable information on the other, challenges brought by the digital disruption in the news media sector are a burning issue for all stakeholders. This handbook provides an insight into the state-of-play in Western Balkans in relation to (in)compatibility with the EU values and media standards in an emerging, but still largely unregulated, news market. Writes Tamara Filipović, Lamija Kovačević and Oszkár Roginer-Hofmeister.
2. December 2024

The publication was produced as part of the project Preparing News Media in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia for the Digital Age. The project was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic under the Czech Republic Transformation Cooperation Programme.
The full publication in English and Serbian can be found under the PDF button.