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KKI 4:1 series: Should the Western Balkans participate in the Conference on the Future of Europe?

Our researcher Jana Juzová contributed to another series of analyses of four experts answering a question from the field of international politics and economics. This publication examined whether the Western Balkans should participate in the Conference on the Future of Europe.
25. November 2021

The reasons for the inclusion of the Western Balkans in the Conference on the Future of Europe are thus both pragmatic and normative. The EU can only gain from gathering more information and new, perhaps different, ideas and perspectives to work with when following up on the discussions of the Conference, especially in areas that impact the EU and the region equally. On the other hand, and perhaps more importantly, for the Conference to be organized in a truly European manner, to re-establish a sense of unity and togetherness, the inclusion of the Western Balkan partners is not a choice but a must. The current approach only emphasizes the already existing divisions, enhancing the perception of the EU in the region as an elitist club that is closed off to those who have been waiting at its door for more than two decades.

You can find the complete document under the PDF button.


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