Report | From Vilnius and Beyond: Unraveling the Strategic Potential of NATO's Nordic and Central Eastern European Allies
Our Research Fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz co-edited a report made in partnership with the Global Policy Research Group. In an era marked by shifting geopolitical landscapes, the Nordic and Central/Eastern European countries hold key strategic positions within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Following the recently concluded NATO Summit in Vilnius, it's clear that the Alliance stands at a crossroads. The summit underscored the importance of member nations harmonizing their aspirations, capabilities, and strategic priorities. The report delves into both past and current policy initiatives to offer insights into the legacy of cooperation and strategic positioning of these nations.
31. August 2023
To thrive and evolve in this complex geopolitical landscape, NATO must ensure the concerns of all its member states are both heard and addressed. It must work towards fine-tuning a policymaking process that appreciates the unique geopolitical nuances of its member nations. Rather than coercing members to comply with a one-size-fits- all policy dictated by the Alliance, NATO's survival and success hinge upon its ability to gain a nuanced understanding of its members' needs and ambitions. In doing so, the Alliance can craft policies that are not only more comprehensive, but also resonant with the aspirations of its diverse membership.
The whole report is available under the PDF button.