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UK's Official Negotiation Strategy over Brexit: What We Know So Far

Monika Brusenbauch Meislová analyzes, in her latest blog, the official strategies of the British Government for the upcoming Brexit negotiations.

In principle, the UK’s negotiating position seeks a “deep and special partnership” with the EU post-Brexit, “not partial membership of the European Union, associate membership of the European Union, or anything that leaves [it] half-in, half-out”. More specifically, barring unexpected developments, the British government is to pursue the following policy objectives and priorities vis-á-vis Brexit.

According to many, it is, for example, highly unlikely that negotiations with the EU on a free trade deal will be finalized in two years. All the more considering the EU’s strong preference for phased negotiations (in contrast to parallel, two-track negotiations favoured by the UK).

In any case, the UK government is about to face a delicate task of balancing the increasing demand for information on the one hand and jeopardising its bargaining position on the other.

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