For the fourth time in a row, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is the best think tank in the Czech Republic. EUROPEUM also maintained second place in Central and Eastern Europe and improved in the global comparison, where it climbed 32 places in the worldwide category of non-US think tanks, according to the Global Go To Think Tank Index (GGTTI) 2020 report of the Think Tanks and Civil Society Program (TTCSP) of the University of Pennsylvania.
"The repeated first place of our Institute in this prestigious index in the Czech Republic, as well as the shift up the world rankings, shows the long-term qualities and diligence of our entire team. Last year we also managed to produce valuable publications, actively participate in public discourse about the EU and organize debates and events for professionals and the general public," said Vladimír Bartovic, Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.
"We are extremely happy for this recognition and we hope that we will be able to continue our mission in the future and constantly improve our work," he added.
The Global Go To Think Tank Index is the result of an international survey of over 7,500 scholars, public and private donors, policymakers and journalists. They helped rank more than 6,600 think tanks using a set of 28 criteria developed by the Think Tanks and Civil Society Program (TTCSP) of the University of Pennsylvania.
EUROPEUM recorded improvements in two categories, in the others it maintained its position from 2019. Full results can be found below:
You can access the report using the PDF button.
Expertise: EU institutional issues, Economic and Monetary Union, € and European budget, Brexit, EU foreign policy, EU enlargement with the focus on Western Balkans, Slovak foreign and domestic policy and economic issues