Realigning on values – The case for strengthening the US-EU values-based partnership through NATO

Our Research Fellow Danielle Piatkewicz has written an article for the Atlantic Forum on the NATO and the US-EU future partnership.

The transatlantic relationship endured and has begun to rebound from four years of a disengaged United States under the leadership of former US President Donald Trump. Not only did Trump alienate long-term partners including its European allies through its ‘America First’ approach, the Trump Administration withdrew the United States from numerous multilateral partnerships, questioned the US role in NATO, and also challenged the core values and principles that connect the United States and Europe—democracy. While those four years cannot be ignored, there has been light at the end of the transatlantic tunnel with the Biden administration emerging strong in its first six months to course correct and get America back at the proverbial global table.

You may find the article here



Danielle Piatkiewicz
Research Fellow

Areas of expertise: Transatlantic and Central and Eastern European foreign and security relations, democracy promotion and NATO.

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