Evaluating Transatlantic Relations – For better or for worse?

Our Research Fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz and Project Manager Alexandra Visnerova wrote a background paper under the Transatlantic Policy Forum in which they evaluate the new transatlantic agenda and goals of both EU and the US and assess how the two sides can work closer together to tackle geopolitical challengers, align on security, trade, climate, and digital policies. The paper offers recommendations on how to strengthen the transatlantic relationship, with special emphasis placed on the Central and Eastern European region.

With a new US administration at the helm, 2021 was a year to rebuild and rekindle transatlantic relations. Despite US President Biden signaling early on that the US was back at the world table, heightened tensions around security, trade relations – amplified by competitors such as Russia and China – have challenged these relations. The honeymoon phase between the US and the EU seems to be ending.

The whole paper is available under the PDF button. 

#TAPF #Transatlantic relations #EU #USA

Alexandra Visnerova
Senior Project Manager, Transatlantic Policy Forum
Danielle Piatkiewicz
Research Fellow

Areas of expertise: Transatlantic and Central and Eastern European foreign and security relations, democracy promotion and NATO.

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