National Convention on the EU: Conclusions and implementation of the outcomes of the Conference on the Future of Europe

The head of our Brussels Office Žiga Faktor has prepared a background paper on the Conclusions and Implementation of the Outcomes of the Conference on the Future of Europe. In it, he answers three questions: How to get more attention from citizens and the media for the conclusions of the Conference? How to ensure successful implementation of the outcomes of the CoFoE? Is it appropriate to use some aspects of the Conference after its conclusion?

The whole background paper in Czech is available under the PDF button.



#CoFoE #conference #future of Europe

Žiga Faktor
Deputy Director & Head of Brussels Office

Expertise: European integration of Western Balkans, EU enlargement, Slovenian Politics and EU-Turkey relations

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Prague 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552