POLICY PAPER: Finding Transatlantic Unity in Times of Conflict 2022. Transatlantic Policy Forum in Review

Our researchers Danielle Piatkiewicz and Hugo Blewet-Mundy have written a policy paper on "Finding Transatlantic Unity in Times of Conflict 2022. Transatlantic Policy Forum in Review" which aims to outline action points and proposals that the Transatlantic Partnership should adopt.

While it is important to think collectively on building resilience, many experts countered whether the security order that the Euro-Atlantic area has become accustomed to is ‘dead ’and insisted that it is facing a ‘strategic awakening’ - one that needs to adjust to new strategic competition and double down on resilience and the ability to react accordingly to current and future challenges. 

The whole policy paper is under the PDF button.

#policy paper #TAPF #Transatlantic relations

Danielle Piatkiewicz
Research Fellow

Areas of expertise: Transatlantic and Central and Eastern European foreign and security relations, democracy promotion and NATO.

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