ČRo Plus | New Far-Right Political Group? Giorgia Meloni Will Impact Post-Election Status Quo

Is there a possibility of the emergence of an extreme right-wing political group in the European Parliament? Could it influence European affairs? What impact could Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni have on the status quo? Who is attempting to gain her favor and other questions are answered in an interview for ČRo Plus by Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

I don't think Viktor Orbán would leave the current status quo in the European Parliament. His Fidesz MEPs are quite marginal because they are not affiliated in any political group. Years ago, he attempted to break away and establish his own group, and I believe that now a new opportunity is opening up for him to try again. (...) A new political group could potentially emerge.

You can listen to the entire interview here from 14:10 onwards.

#Far-right #Giorgia Meloni #Viktor Orban

Viktor Daněk
Deputy Director

Before entering the NGO sphere, Viktor Daněk worked for almost ten years as a journalist. During his time with the public service Czech radio, he focused mainly on covering EU affairs. He spent almost five years as a permanent correspondent in Brussels, where he cooperated with other media outlets. Before his career in journalism, he gained experience in the area of marketing and communication in the Česká spořitelna banking group and at the Czech Technical University in Prague. He holds university degrees in Media Studies and International Relations. Viktor Daněk joined the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in October 2023. He continues to be active in the media as a freelancer. His main areas of interest are institutional questions of European integration, globalisation and the EU’s climate and migration policy.

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