INVITATION: Living in Different Worlds? How to Bridge the Divide Between Generations

We would like to cordially invite you to a debate titled: "Living in Different Worlds? How to Bridge the Divide Between Generations."
Confirmed speakers:
– Jaromir Mazak, Sociologist, lecturer and researcher at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University
– Olga Richertova, Deputy Chairwoman of the Czech Pirate Party and a member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic since the 2017 legislative election
– Daniel Prokop, Research Director, MEDIAN
Moderation: Alexandr Lagazzi, EUROPEUM Insitute for European Policy
In recent years the difference in attitudes between generations - but also within generations - towards the pillars of our modern society has become more pronounced; the pillars of democracy are being questioned, the attitudes towards the EU between old and young seemingly indicates a fundamentally opposite perception of reality, attitudes towards migration are more polarizing than ever, and a deep-rooted pessimism permeates young people's perception of the economy and their financial prospects as inequality widens. While generations always differ, the difference between old and young seem more stark than ever. How can these gaps be bridged? How can leaders and policymakers contribute to mitigating this widening gap? How can democracy survive if our common foundations across generations are being eroded?
You can register at or contact us via You can find the event also on Facebook. The debate is part of the Festival of Democracy.