INVITATION | Serbia’s EU integration process: A long and rocky road
We would like to invite you for a public discussion and screening of a documentary on Serbia’s EU integration process. The debate will take place on Monday 19 December, 15:30 - 17:30; at Impact Hub D10 in Prague.
19. December 2022

We would like to invite you for a public discussion and screening of a documentary on Serbia’s EU integration process.
In the past few years, Serbia has moved from the position of a frontrunner in the EU enlargement to one of a troubled child. With a dubious track record in the reform process, steady democratic backsliding, spread of anti-EU narratives by political representatives, and refusal to align with EU sanctions towards Russia in reaction to the war in Ukraine, the question whether EU accession is still Serbia’s priority arises. Does Serbia’s future still lie within the EU? What would freezing Serbia’s EU accession process, proposed by the European Parliament, mean for the country and its citizens? And what would be the adequate approach the EU should adopt toward Serbia in this situation?
15:30 – 16:30 Introductory remarks and screening of the documentary by European Western Balkans
15:30 – 16:30 Introductory remarks and screening of the documentary by European Western Balkans
16:30 – 17:15 Panel discussion
- Martin Košatka, Director of South and Southeast Europe Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
- Nemanja Todorović Štiplija, Editor-in-Chief, European Western Balkans
- Jana Juzová, Senior Research Fellow and Head of Global EU Programme, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Chair: Zora Hesová, Assistant professor, Charles University, Faculty of Humanities, Prague
17:15 - 17:30 Q&A with audience
Address: Impact Hub D10, Drtinova 557/10, 150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov.
It will also be possible to watch the debate online on facebook, for more click here.
It will also be possible to watch the debate online on facebook, for more click here.
This event is hosted by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with Centar Savremene Politike and European Western Balkans as part of the project “Supporting media freedom in Serbia in relation to the EU accession process” supported by the Transition Promotion Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.