INVITATION | Urban Talk: Imaginaries of Revenge

"Imaginaries of Revenge" represents the lingering narratives and collective memories of injustices, rivalries, and disputes that continue to influence diplomatic strategies and foreign policies. These feelings could pose a powerful undercurrent in European politics, fuelling tensions and shaping the pursuit of justice, while challenging European leaders to navigate the delicate balance between addressing historical wrongs and the imperatives of modern political realities. In the context of the war in Ukraine, the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and other pressing issues, this concept could provide an interesting perspective to gain deeper understanding and make informed decisions in these turbulent times.
? Kristupas Sabolius, Professor of philosophy, University of Vilnius
? H.E. Laimonas Talat-Kelpša, Ambassador of Lithuania
Moderator: Zora Hesová, Assistant professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
The Summit Talk is organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and Embassy of Lithuania in the Czech Republic as one of the events during the Week of Humanities 2023 (Týden humanitních věd 2023).