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REPORT: The Visegrad Four and Germany: which shared priorities in the next Commission?

The panel discussion titled “The Visegrad Four and Germany: which shared priorities in the next Commission?” took place on Wednesday, 16th October 2019 at the Fondation Universitaire in Brussels. In the light of discussions about the incoming Commission, the event asked the question of whether we will see unity on certain issues between the countries of the Visegrad Four (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and Germany.
31. October 2019

Mr Roland Freudenstein stated that Visegrad Four countries have been underestimated from the German perspective. He explained the self-appointed role of Germany as a bridge between East and West, which was a very beneficial narrative for Germany itself since it puts Germany in a pivotal but not openly leading role, but he  expressed skepticism at the viability of this technique in recent years. His contribution continued by emphasizing a connection between different types of solidarity.

The report can be downloaded through this PDF button.

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