ČT24: Foreign policy of the new government

Our director Vladimír Bartovic spoke in the Studio 6 on Wednesday 27th of June about the foreign policy of the newly appointed government. What will be the priorities of Andrej Babiš's government? And how will the coexsitence with the president Miloš Zeman look like?
The general agreement on the basic issues is present - NATO membership, EU membership. But on the further issues the president Zeman's opinion is different from the government of prime minister Andrej Babiš. We have seen this during the debates over the crisis in Ukraine, the question of Crimea or after the US striked in Syria. There were lot of questions where we have seen the discrepancy between the president and prime minister and we can see the tendency of president Zeman to lean towards the relations with Russia.
The full interview (in Czech) language is available in Studio 6 archive (53:50-57:40).