The European Green Deal is the core of the current climate strategy of the European Union, which has set the goal of making Europe a carbon-neutral continent by 2050. In an effort to monitor and counter disinformation narratives about the deal, IRI's Beacon project launched an initiative called the “European Green Deal: Mapping perceptions in Central and Eastern Europe,” in which six partner organizations studied how the deal is perceived in Bulgaria, Czechia, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. Our project manager and juniour researcher, Tatiana Mindeková, analyzed narratives spread about the Green Deal and the EU’s green policies through Czech chain emails as well as through selected mainstream media and websites known for spreading disinformation.
Show more PDFEvropská zelená dohoda je jádrem současné klimatické strategie EU, která si stanovila za cíl učinit z Evropy do roku 2050 uhlíkově neutrální zemi. Ve snaze monitorovat a potírat dezinformační narativy o Zelené dohodě zahájil Beacon project vedený International Republican Institute iniciativu nazvanou "European Green Deal: Mapping perceptions in Central and Eastern Europe", v jejímž rámci šest partnerských organizací zkoumalo, jak je dohoda vnímána v Bulharsku, Česku, Polsku, Rumunsku a na Slovensku. Naše projektová manažerka a juniorská výzkumnice Tatiana Mindeková analyzovala narativy šířené o Zelené dohodě a zelené politice EU prostřednictvím českých řetězových e-mailů i vybraných mainstreamových médií a webových stránek známých šířením dezinformací.
Show more PDFEUROPEUM is one of the partners of the project led by The International Republican Institute (IRI) under the Beacon project, which aims to monitor how the European Green Deal is perceived in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria.
Show moreAfter the successful delivery of last year’s project focused on the decarbonization of the Czech automotive industry, the climate team of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy leads its second round. This time, the project aims to use already acquired knowledge, contacts and resources to help create a conducive environment for discussion between the representatives of the industry and the public sector. It will also contribute to our understanding of the decarbonization pathways through evidence-based research. Lastly, the project aims to raise social awareness about the challenges and opportunities presented by the transition of the automotive industry by organizing events and media briefings. This year’s project will be shaped by the Czech Presidency of the European Council in the second half of the year.
Show moreCalm on the Eastern Front. At least at the moment. Our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz has written an article for INFO.CZ in which she monitors the situation around the Ukrainian border with Russia over the past few weeks. US and European Union officials have warned that a Russian invasion could happen at any moment.
Show moreIn the most recent Eastern Monitor Jovana Vančevska focuses on the issues connected to the Brdo Declaration, the progress concerning the "enlargement process" and EU's commitment to it. Who are the frontrunners of the "enlargement process"? And which countries are stagnant? The author gives us more information about this issue in her paper, as well as its' possible outcomes.
Show more PDFV nejnovějším Eastern Monitoru se Jovana Vančevska zaměřuje na otázky spojené s Brdskou deklarací, na pokrok v „procesu rozšíření“ a na závazek EU k němu. Kdo jsou průkopníci „procesu rozšíření“? A které země stagnují? Více informací o této problematice poskytuje autorka ve svém paperu, stejně jako možné výsledky situace.
Show more PDFIn the last Eastern Monitor, Michal Beneš focused on the dynamic conflict between the great powers in the Taiwan Strait. He focused on what might await us in the future. The text doesn't aim to find a solution to this complex conflict but instead presents several possible future scenarios to its readers.
Show more PDFMichal Beneš se v posledním Eastern Monitoru věnoval dynamickému konfliktu velmocí v Tchajwanském průlivu. Zaměřil se na to, co by nás mohlo čekat v budoucnu. V textu se nesnaží nalézt řešení tohoto složitého konfliktu, ale místo toho čtenářům předkládá několik možných budoucích scénářů.
Show more PDFIn her latest policy paper from the Eastern Monitor series, our research fellow Jana Juzová focuses on US President Joe Biden's foreign policy administration in relation to the EU and possible future cooperation in the Western Balkans.
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